You know the line of numbers? Then you know that, after choosing two points for the numbers 0 and 1, there is a fixed place on it for any other number.
Construct with compass and straight-edge the points for 13, -2, 1/5, -3/7, √3, etc.
Each number has an infinite decimal representation, for example 3/7 = 0.428571... , √3 = 1.7320508..., 9/2 = 4.500000...
Find with the help of pen and paper decimal representations for 1/9 and √2, and with Google a decimal representation for π.
We can also reason the other way round. To each point on the line of numbers belongs a certain number. Choose a point on your line of numbers, and estimate the value of the number belonging to it.
These points are infinitely small. Only God can pick a point from the line and measure the value belonging to it without error.
God has a special preference for some points. One of His favorite points is the socalled point of books.
The point of books is God's library. In this one point he stored all finite texts, like the complete text of the bible in any translation, the text of the article I'm writing now, and the
complete text of tomorrow's London Times.
The decimal representation of the number belonging to the point of books is 0.101001000100001000001... (Do you see the next ten digits?)
When God looks at an arbitrary 1 of the decimal representation, He sees at once how many zeroes follow until the next 1. This number is also the number of a text.
When He wants to see the text belonging to it, He proceeds as follows:
In His thoughts, He runs infinitely fast past the texts with numbers 1,2,3,4,..., until He finds the text with the elected number.
Now how have these texts been numbered? That's simple: firstly, according to ascending number of characters in the text, and secondly, when two texts have the same number of characters, alphabetically. (Of course, God's alphabet contains more than 26 signs, but the number of signs is finite.)
So, without doubt, God knows all texts from the past, the present and the future.
And He stored them all in one point. Then He has so much room left to store other things ...
NB When God thinks it fit, He uses the extended point of books. The decimal representation of the corresponding number is constructed from that of the point of books by putting
immediately after each 1 a code made out of the digits 2 and 3 that represents the complete text belonging to the number of zeroes between that 1 and the next 1.
(This code is made as follows: Each character of God's alphabet has an ordinal number. Represent each character by a row of as many digits 2 as the value of itse ordinal number is.
Use a digit 3 to separate any two characters.)
PS The point God approves of the most is the extended point of good books. In this point He only preserves the texts He considers significant, true and good. Alas, this point will not be made public
before the last judgment.
I think the bible is probably included, but in a perfect edition.
It is good to know the point of good books already exists, somewhere on the line of numbers ...