by HFH Reuvers


During the forty years' march of the Israelites from Egypt to the promised land, Moses received on mount Sinai the ten commandments of God. These commandments were chiselled into two stone tables. On the first table came the first three commandments, which say we should love God above all other things:
"I am the Lord, your God. You shall not honour idols, but adore Me alone and love Me above everything. You shall not use the name of the Lord, your God, without veneration. Remember you shall keep holy the Day of the Lord."

We already spoke about idols in section 1.5.3. We shouldn't exaggerate anything. Engaging ourselves with heart and soul in something good, for example our environment or the Third World, is praiseworthy. However, we should always remember that a worldly good is by its very nature always relative. In practice, this means we should use the appropriate democratic ways when striving after such an earthly ideal. If, unfortunately, there is no democracy in some country, its people can protest against that without using violence, but even they are not allowed to employ terror.
A Catholic may adore God as He manifests in holy Mass and in the tabernacle in the shape of bread and wine. Thomas Aquinas worded this in the hymn "Adoro Te". The last strophe runs as follows: "O Jesus, I see you now under a veil, but I pray to you let happen what my soul is desiring so much: that I may once behold your face unvealed in heavenly glory."
Of course, cursing is evil, although this doesn't often happen with malicious intention.
About our Sunday duties we already spoke in section 1.2.3. It's a pity that commerce is getting ever more hold on the Sunday. Although there have to be some facilities on Sundays, so we can go somewhere to relax, and some services can't even stop without damage, there's no good reason whatsoever to open department stores or clothing stores on Sundays.
